
标题: 中医大2011年1月考试课程《开放英语3》在线作业 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2011-1-8 23:04
标题: 中医大2011年1月考试课程《开放英语3》在线作业

、单选题(共 .50 .道试题,共 .100 .分。)

1. . .If he was fitter, he(  )live longer.

A. 不填
B. will
C. would
D. can

2. . .– Hello, Sally. How's everything?
– (  ).

A. Good for you
B. Oh, I agree
C. That's right
D. Just so-so

3. . .– I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised.
– (  ).

A. The party won't start until 8:00
B. Thank you for having the party for me
C. Don't worry. He always keeps his word
D. The party must cost a lot

4. . .– Jack, are you leaving now? It's 7:20.
– (  ).

A. Yes, it's still early
B. No, thirty minutes is enough
C. Yes, the bag is not ready
D. No, I'll set off in 30 minutes

5. . .– What about going for a walk?
– (  ).

A. Walking is good to you
B. That's all right
C. So, do I
D. Why not? A good idea

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