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东财11年5月考试《大学英语1》期末考核作业 答案

李老师 发表于 2011-5-20 20:52:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--   试卷得分:100

单选题 阅读理解 完型填空 其他题  

一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)V 1.    I suggested ______ fishing.  

A. that we going
B. that we to go
C. that we go
D. that we went
      满分:3  分
2.    Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?

A. I don't take sugar, thank you.
B. You can, please.
C. Thank you for the coffee.
D. That's very nice of you.
      满分:3  分
3.    Throughout their history, Americans have been people
______ the move.  


B. on
C. to
D. with
      满分:3  分
4.    Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I've ever had!
Celia: ________ I know you'd like it.  

A. Didn't't I tell you?
B. Did I say it right?
C. Is what I said right?
D. What did I say?
      满分:3  分
5.    Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn't disturb you.

A. No. I heard a lot of noise
B. Yes, I didn't hear any noise
C. Yes. I didn't hear you
D. No. I didn't hear a thing
      满分:3  分
6.    The tradition of using chopsticks was introduced ______ many other countries.  

A. with
B. of
C. from
D. to
      满分:3  分
7.    Speaker A: We've made an appointment with the students. We'll meet at 7 in the
morning. Can you come on time?
Speaker B: I'm afraid, _________ . It's too early.  

A.  I can't do it
B. I can't get it
C.  I can't make it
D.  I can't achieve it
      满分:3  分
8.    A few of ______ are planning to drive to Beijing during the spring break.  

A. we girls
B. us girls
C. girls we
D. girls
      满分:3  分
9.    ______ it is from Bristol to Glasgow!  

A. What long a way
B. What distance
C. How long way
D.  How far
      满分:3  分
  It seemed as if all of a ______
the animal had smelt danger in the air.  

A. sudden
B. moment
C. minute
D. once
      满分:3  分
11.    The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted ______
love in the Lunar calendar.  

A. at
B. to
C.  in
D. on
      满分:3  分
12.    Would you ______ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?  

A. stick
B. suck
C. pick
D. spit
      满分:3  分
13.    Never ______ , we'll see the film next week.  

A. mind
B. to mind
C.  mind you
D.  in mind
      满分:3  分
14.    Do not express shock for what you hear ______ matter how shocking it might seem.  

A. not
B. never
C. no
D. none
      满分:3  分
  Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn.
Customer:Hello,I'd like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please.
Desk Clerk:______  

A. What's the matter?
B. Just a minute, please.
C. What can I do for you?
D. Can I help you?
      满分:3  分
二、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.    I would like to greet you all and tell you how happy we are, at the Administrations Office(招生办), to have you at Glenville College's annual welcome meeting for international students. A representative from the Registrar's Office(登记处) will be here later to answer any questions you might have regarding registration procedures(登记手续). We are also very happy to have with us the International Student Advisor, who will speak to you about your special concerns today. He also conducts weekly question and answer sessions to help you with your future plans.

1). 1. Who is the speaker?
A. The President of the College.
B. The International Student Advisor.
C.  A representative from the Registrar's Office.
D. A representative from the Admission Office.
      满分:3  分
2). 2. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. A guide to registration procedures.
B. Special concerns of students.
C. Help for students with their future plans.
D. Welcome and guidance for new students.
      满分:3  分
3). 3. Who will discuss special concerns?
A.  A representative from the Registration Office.
B. The speaker.
C. An international student.
D. The International Student Advisor.
      满分:3  分
4). 4. What does the speaker say about registration questions?
A. Someone from the Admissions Office will come next week to answer questions.
B. The International Student Advisor will answer questions.
C.  There will be a question and answer session next week.
D. Someone from the Registrar's Office will answer questions.
      满分:3  分
5). 5. How often does the college have these welcome sessions?
A. Every week.
B. Every week.
C. Every semester.
D. Every month.
      满分:3  分
2.    From the outset(开始), railroad and canals were bitter competitors(激烈竞争者). For a time the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company blocked the advance of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad through the narrow gorge(峡谷) of the upper Potomac, and the State of New York prohibited railroads from hauling freight in competition with the Erie Canal and its branches. These restrictions(限制) and the slow pace of railroad building meant that canals carried twice as much tonnage as railroads even as late as 1852. But railroads had the advantage of speed and year-round operation (canals closed down for the winter freeze) and could be located almost anywhere, regardless of terrain(地形) and the availability of water. These assets, combined with a slight price advantage, produced a victory for railroads during the 1850's. By the end of the decade, they took most of the nation's passenger traffic and carried more freight than the canals.

1). 1. What drawbacks were there to the introduction of railroads in North America?
A. The Chesapeake and Ohio canals were more advanced than the railroads.
B. It was more efficient to use the Erie Canal than the railroad.
C. Some of the gorges, such as the Potomac, were too narrow to use for railroads.
D. It was forbidden to carry goods by railroad in New York.
      满分:3  分
2). 2. Until 1852 the canals carried more goods than the railroads because they were ____.
A. less restricted
B. much larger
C.  less expensive
D. much quicker
      满分:3  分
3). 3. All of the following factors contributed to the victory of the railroads over the canals except ____.
A. they were slightly cheaper
B. they needed water for operation
C. they could be built on any terrain
D. they operated all through the year
      满分:3  分
4). 4. When did the railroads carry more freight than the canals?
A. By the end of the 1800's.
B. In 1852.
C. At the end of the 1850's.
D. During the 1850's.
      满分:3  分
5). 5. What is the main subject of the passage?
A. Traffic in North America.
B. The establishment of the railroads.
C. Rivalry between the canals and railroads.
D. The history of trains.
      满分:3  分

三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.    Ahhh, summer. Time to relax. You cannot have complete rest if you ___1___it too seriously. But taking vacations seriously is exactly___2___we Americans seem to do. In the same way our kids' free time is now packed with activities, we adults have turned vacations into "active leisure." Anytime you try very hard to relax, that's active leisure. Our vacations___3___with an agenda, a purpose. We're visiting family, attending weddings, going camping, and making sure we ride that roller coaster-no matter how long the line is. We Americans are so active in our leisure___4___we commonly complain we need a vacation from our vacations. We leave home___5___; we come back exhausted. That's why many of us have decided not to go. Americans are___6___a few vacation days (14 days, on average) compared with other developed countries, but ironically, we don't even use them. The average American will leave four vacation days on the table this year, which adds up to a total 574 million days of___7___vacation. Our relationship to relaxation seems contradictory. We spend more money than anyone else in the world on leisure-fully one-___8___of our income-and yet at the same time we are No. 1 in the world at not taking vacations. One of the top reasons given for not taking a vacation is that it's too much extra work. We have to get___9___of our work in order to leave, and then we have to catch up on our work upon our return. The longer the vacation we take, the bigger the stumbling blocks appear. So only 14% of Americans will take a vacation two weeks or longer this summer. Bottom line: it's simply become too stressful to relax. We Americans take our time off so seriously that you can now get a Ph.D. in leisure studies at Penn State and 17 other famous universities. That's right-a doctorate, not just a bachelor's. It's such an up-and-coming field in academe that there is an actual shortage of___10___educators. We don't have enough people to teach leisure. I am tempted to make a joke about this, but I don't want to get the wrath of the leisure scientists. They'll beat me up with chairs.  

A. take
B. bake
C. cake
D.  make
      满分:1  分
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. this
      满分:1  分
A. go
B. leave
C.  arrive
D. come
      满分:1  分
A. this
B. that
C. these
D. those
      满分:1  分
A. tired
B. tiring
C. tires
D. tire
      满分:1  分
A. give
B. giving
C. given
D. gave
      满分:1  分
A.  taken
B. untaken
C.  take
D. took
      满分:1  分
A. three
B. third
C. thirds
D. thirty
      满分:1  分
A. out
B. ahead
C. rid
D. clear
      满分:1  分
A. qualified
B. qualify
C. qualification
D. qualifies
      满分:1  分

四、其他题(共 3 道试题,共 15 分。句子翻译)V

1.    When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main courses at the center with the other dishes evenly placed around them.  

2.    We can make music ourselves if we play an instrument or sing.  

3.    The South Pole, by contrast, is over land, on the continent called Antarctica. Not only is the South Pole on a continent, it's on a very high continent.

东财11年5月考试《大学英语1》期末考核作业 答案.txt

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